Mining Pi: Welcome to Day 1 with the Pi Network App.
Pi a new digital currency, like Bitcoin (remember when Bitcoin first started in 2008?). Right now, the Pi "cryptocurrency" has no value. You can’t buy it, you can’t sell it and you can’t trade it. This app is the precursor to what will become a digital currency, marketplace and social networking app that runs on your phone without draining your battery. A marketplace for exchanging goods and services using PI will develop in the near future where you will be able to use your PI Digital Wallet.
This app allows you to access and grow your Pi holdings and serves as wallet to host your digital assets. Pi is fairly distributed, eco-friendly and consumes minimal battery power.
The Pi Network App as it stands now serves multiple purposes:
Ultimately the app, which runs on your mobile phone, will execute Smart Contracts and secure PI cryptocurrency transactions on a Social Networking platform that includes a marketplace for goods and services.
You can get in early while the hourly rate credited to you for using the app is high. As more and more folks join, the hourly rate will halve. SO GET IN NOW.
You earn pi at this stage of development by joining and clicking one icon, one time, daily. It is really that simple.
It costs nothing to begin earning pi, the app is free to use and it does not drain your cellphone battery.
Technically, this is not "mining Pi" because the application itself does not have that capability yet. What you are doing when you download the Pi Network app and join is securing the amount of PI that will be "minted" when true mining begins. Every day that you check in on the app, for each hour of that day, you are earning a PI credit that will be awarded to you when true mining starts.
You should join now because the rate at which you earn PI per Hour now is higher than it will be when the network reaches 1 million users. When the Pi Network reaches 1 million users, the rate at which people earn Pi will be cut in half.
Here's what you can do right now:
We can both earn Pi, it costs you nothing and I am on the Chat Channel to help get you started. See you on the other side!
First, I will help you get started. My username is FreqFlyer and I, along with many other dedicated Pi-oneers, monitor the Pioneer Chat. Hop on there and say "hello."
I also set up a closed Facebook Group to help folks who used my Invite Code (freqflyer) learn quickly. Please visit me on Facebook to connect and I will send you an invitation.
The push right now is to spread the word about Pi, MinePi.com and the Pi Network. The more people who join, the more likely this digital currency will become adopted and successful. Everyone becomes a recruiter once they join and for their efforts to build the network and increase membership, each person who brings another person is rewarded with "Pi." Essentially, we are paid with "Pi" and I will explain that in another blog post and video.
Don’t forget to send me a hello in the chatroom. My username is freqflyer.