The Pi Network Community is an invitation-only community that has grown to over 800,000 people worldwide. Each day, people open the Pi Network app and click one button, helping to improve the platform and bringing forward the vision of the Founding development team.
Away from the Pi Network for most of the day yesterday, I was so surprised when I launched the Pi Network app and saw that we had over 800,000 people using the app! In 6 days, The Pi Network Community not only told more than 100,000 people about the new Pi Marketplace and Pi Cryptocurrency app, but more than 100,000 people downloaded the app and joined our Community. That is incredible!
Many people I speak with don't know much about digital currency so the word, "cryptocurrency" is even further removed from their awareness. Telling people, "Hey this is a new cryptocurrency... Download the app" is like beating one's head against the wall. Not only does it keep people from really considering whether they should download the app or not, it almost misses the point of the platform.
Without a Marketplace, an exchange of Goods and Services, cryptocurrency becomes a speculative investment. People get involved because they think they can get rich quick. So great efforts are made to accumulate a cryptocurrency, hoard it, drive the price up, then sell it for a profit. I'm not weighing in on whether this is good or bad. But I joined The Pi Network Community because the Founders articulated a different Mission and a different Vision. And this Vision requires a Marketplace for people to exchange what they are selling for Pi Network cryptocurrency. (And this says nothing about the Smart Contracts capabilities which is another facet of Pi.)
So, to grow the Pi Network Community and bring this Vision to fruition, it becomes incumbent upon us to explain a few key points to spur curiosity:
After you join the Pi Network, please read The Whitepaper again. The goal remains to grow the Community. Tell as many people as you can about Pi, about MinePi.com and about the Pi Network. And tap that Charging Icon once every 24 hours.
Use my Invite Code freqflyer to download the App and join the Pi Network Community. Understanding the Pi Network app took me some time but, really, it is very simple: Open the app every 24 hours and tap that Charging Icon. That's the best thing you can do to prove you are human and help the Developers. And for that, you earn Pi.
Pi Network Membership is over 650,000. Download the App now to lock in your Pi Network earning rate before Membership reaches 1 Million and the mining rate gets cut in half!
You're invited!
Use my Invite Code: freqflyer
Join me here: https://minepi.com/freqflyer
If you have not signed up for The Pi Network yet (you have not downloaded the app), we are approaching what is called the next "halving."
The next halving on The Pi Network is a milestone that will bring changes for New Members going forward.
To give you an idea of how rapidly we are growing, last week, over 100,000 people joined us and began using the Pi Network app. Membership is still by invitation only, which allows us to reach out to family and friends first. This is not free money or free cryptocurrency. But it doesn't cost anyone anything to join or use the app either.
The Founders of The Pi Network have a very clear vision for how we, as Merchants, as Buyers, as Makers - as People - might transact business with each other. They have a clear vision for making Pi cryptocurrency available to People, for making it easy to use that cryptocurrency to buy and sell the things we want and need. And they have a very clear vision for making sure People hold that currency in their digital wallets, as opposed to software bots: multiple falso accounts set up by one person to hoard or concentrate the currency in their hands.
The Pi Network app, therefor, is the digital implementation of their vision.
We are asked to do two things:
For this, we are credited with Pi.
Some of us do more. We participate in the Chat Rooms, helping new Members. We become "Ambassadors," evangelists of a kind, telling everyone we meet in person or online about Pi. And we nurture the growth of the people who used our Invite Code to sign up so that they might earn more Pi through this incredible word-of-mouth reward system. As we grow our own mini-networks of Pi users, we earn additional Pi cryptocurrency bonuses.
Some people have said, "Oh, this is an MLM," or "What's the difference between this and an MLM?" And I have to say this: The growth of The Pi Network has depended on word-of-mouth. ALL businesses depend on word-of-mouth marketing.
It is true that I receive a Pi bonus if you join The Pi Network with my Invite Code. Tons of businesses compensate their Sales people and employees with rewards. It is a terrific way to say, "thank you for helping us prosper. Here, we want you to prosper too."
When you join the Pi Network and tell other people about Pi, some will use your Invite Code and join. The person who invited you to The Pi Network does not earn a bonus on the people you invite.
But the biggest difference between The Pi Network and most Multi-Level Marketing schemes is this: there is nothing to buy on the Pi Network and you are not required to buy anything. You are not charged anything. You do not pay for the app. You cannot even buy the Pi cryptocurrency. So, no, Pi Network is not an MLM or ponzi scheme. It is a legitimate idea with a strong following that credits its Members for helping build the platform.
If you have not signed up yet, and you have any interest in using Pi as a digital currency (to buy and sell things) OR you are interested in Pi as a cryptocurrency (perhaps from a point of speculation), the time to join is now... Before the next halving when the amount of Pi Crypto that you will earn will be half what it is today.
My Invite Code is freqflyer - all lowercase.
Cheers! - Val
A major announcement was made today via the Pi Network App. And observant Pi Network app users would have noticed the use of video in-app to make that announcement.
In this Pi Network News release, the MinePi App Developers announced work on in-app Pi social cryptocurrency transfers for 4th Quarter 2019. Observant Pi cryptocurrency app users would have noticed the use of video to make that announcement.
Pi Network App Developers announce work on in-app transfers of Pi digital Currency (using the app you can download at minepi.com/freqflyer )for 4th Quarter 2019.
Vincent (@vince), Nicolas (@nicolas) and Chengdiao (@cfan):Hello Pioneers!
Nicolas: Congratulations on Pi Network becoming more than 500,000 engaged Pioneers. That means that we're on track for our goal to become the world's most widely-distributed cryptocurrency. And, in other words, to achieve this over the last couple of weeks and months, we have been deploying a lot of infrastructure upgrades.
Chengdiao: This is also the beginning of the 4th Quarter of 2019. We're working on beginning to enable the first in-app transfers of Pi by the end of the quarter. To do so, we need a reliable way to determine which accounts are true and trustworthy, so that bad actors cannot hoard Pi.
Vince: So that means, Pioneers, that all of us need to work together in the upcoming weeks to keep Pi safe while we enable these first in-app transfers. Congratulations Pioneers!
"We've all taken another huge step forward to building a social cryptocurrency that's backed by everyday people like you and us." -Vince
Vince: So we'll be seeing you around and congratulations again!
Vince, Chendiao and Nicolas: Good-bye!
The goal remains the same: Tell as many people as you can about Pi, about MinePi.com and about the Pi Network. The more people who use Pi, the more likely this social cryptocurrency will succeed - and we can use this digital currency called, "Pi" to buy and sell the things we want and need.
Good luck! My username is freqflyer. Join me on the Pi Network at minepi.com/freqflyer.
The Pi Network has different Roles that people can fill during this initial Phase. One very important role is The Contributor Role, which unlocks the ability to fill your Security Circle, helping the network weed out bad actors, building trust and helping you earn more Pi per Hour.
Folks new to the Pi Network Mobile app come from a broad range of disciplines, cultures and understanding of digital applications - particularly digital wallet and cryptocurrency applications. While the Pi Network Whitepaper does a good job explaining the Why behind this endeavor, many people do not understand the ins and outs of cryptocurrency and do not know what to do with this mobile app once they download it and sign up.
It is important to understand that this is not "free money." This is a mobile application in development, still in Phase 1. And your primary contribution is simply helping the Developers secure the network by tapping the charging icon once every 24 hours.
Every 24 Hours, one Icon on the face of the application, must be tapped in order for you to continue "earning Pi."
But something magical happens on Day 3 if you've tapped that icon 3 times.
Welcome to the Contributor Experience! When you have tapped that Lightning Bolt icon 3 times, you pass a "gate" and unlock a new Role, The Contributor Role, on The Pi Network. And you are rewarded with this:
Thank you for being a Contributor.
"Earning Pi as a Contributor means tapping here as well. However, you also help secure the Pi Transaction history by setting up your Security Circle. In return, you're rewarded in Pi with a higher earning rate."
We are in the Distribution Phase of the Pi Network Roadmap. An invitation is still needed to join The Pi Network. I would be thrilled to help you sign up with my Invitation Code freqflyer and help you get started earning Pi. There is nothing to buy and no credit card or payment needed.
Download the Pi Network App on Google Play Store:
Download the Pi Network App on The App Store:
See you on Chat inside the App! - Val (freqflyer).
The Pi Network mobile app lets people earn cryptocurrency credits on their smartphones, bringing the future of money into the here and now. The App is easy to use and doesn't require any technical knowledge. A huge benefit for app users are In-App Rewards. Use of the app is incentivized in two ways. First, per hour rewards are increased for word-of-mouth recruiting. And, increased In-App rewards are available for adding a list of 3 to 5 personally-known app users to a "Security Circle."
Currently, the project is in Phase 1 of Development. Use my invite code freqflyer during Phase 1 of the Pi Network App. This is a super simple testing Phase where anyone can earn Pi new crypto for using the app once daily.
While still in beta testing, the Pi Network App will enable everyday people around the globe to buy and sell goods and services on their smartphones using a currency called Pi. The digital currency, also known as a cryptocurrency, is a "decentralized" currency; it is not controlled by any one person, any one agency or any one government.
The app is still being tested, so it is not open to everyone yet. You'll need an invitation. What's great about the app is how easy it is to use.
Participation in transactions is not limited to the tech savvy. Instead of complicated software and daunting, expensive hardware, The Pi Network app doesn't require any technical know-how. And that is exactly what the Founders of The Pi Network Project intended.
This is what the App looks like on my Android phone:
So simple, right?
Adoption is crucial to the success of any currency and Pi is no different. One of the problems with other cryptocurrencies is their complication; the average person like me would have to spend a bit of time learning all about something we really just want to use to buy and sell stuff. Paper currency doesn't require any specialized knowledge; why should using cryptocurrency be any diffferent? And with hundreds of cryptocurrencies available, which one currency should I hold?
It is that easy to use this new Pi Network App to earn Pi cryptocurrency during this Testing Phase - Phase 1.
Officially launched March 14, 2019, we're in Phase 1: "Design, Distribution, Trust Graph Bootstrap." During this Phase, app users are being credited with the as-of-yet unminted Pi cryptocurrency in exchange for downloading the app and using it daily (one tap, on one icon). This is an "In-App reward" for helping the Project move forward. All of the "coins" earned by people like you and me during this first phase will be given to us ("minted") during Phase 3 of the project. It is important to note the details of Phase 1:
"The Pi server is operating as a faucet emulating the behavior of the decentralized system as it will function once its live. During this phase improvements in the user experience and behavior are possible and relatively easy to make compared to the stable phase of the main net. All minting of coins to users will be migrated to the live net once it launches. In other words, the livenet will pre-mint, in its genesis block, all account holder balances generated during Phase 1, and continue operating just like the current system but fully decentralized. Pi is not listed on exchanges during this phase and it is impossible to “buy” Pi with any other currency. "
It is during this test phase, this a beta phase, that the intial "block" of The Blockchain is pre-determined. This genesis block, in cryptocurrency lingo, will be "minted" during Phase 3. And everyone who joins the project during this Phase 1 earns Pi, which will be issued to them in Phase 3. It really is very elegant when you think about it.
If you like what you've learned so far and would like to help the Pi Network project...
The goal remains to tell as many people as you can about Pi, about MinePi.com and about the Pi Network. And tap that Green Lightning Bolt Icon once every 24 hours.
See you on Chat inside the App! - Val (freqflyer).
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency are new to me and I'm having a little bit of difficulty understanding The Pi Network App. Update from Day 61: This is ridiculously simple. There is one thing and one thing only to do and that is tap the charging icon (the green lightning bolt) as soon as possible after the Pi Network App times out every 24 hours.
I woke up this morning and found one family member and one friend downloaded the app and signed up to the Pi Network with my Invite Code. I still don't know what I am doing in this app. Cryptocurrency, blockchain and smart contracts are subjects I don't know much about. It took me three days just to figure out that I had to wait 3 days (and check in on the app 3 times) to begin building my Security Circle; that was yesterday.
Like I said, I am still trying to understand this app. Let me start with the Main Screen. Today I woke up, the main screen had changed and now I can see the Founders of The Pi Network: Vincent (@vince), Nicolas (@nicolas) and Chengdiao (@cfan). I thought that was pretty cool. I have no idea who they are but I did read their Bio's and I take it on faith they are who they say they are.
The icon in the upper right corner is the Chat Icon; this is the intuitive icon of the three icons. There is more than one Chat Room but I only go to the Pioneer Chat. Every time I try to chat in the Pioneer Chat (English - they do have other languages by the way), I get an error message. My message goes through, though. And I learned that this is a known bug so I just ignore it. Whenever I'm in the chat room, though, conversations move quickly and the interface is not conducive to trying to figure out how it all works. (That's me, overthinking chat...) There is no threading in the chat. And if I look away for a minute and someone mentions my username, I wouldn't know it unless I scrolled up to whatever I posted last. Who knows if I'll ever see a message to me when I'm not part of a conversation.
The next icon below the chat icon is the Earning Team icon. When I tap that, I can see the two people who, of all of the folks I chatted with, decided, "What the hell, I'll join the Pi Network with freqflyer." I can also see the name of the person who invited me. I have no idea who they are. I do know, though, I am now making more Pi per hour because two of the people I invited signed up. WOOT!
The third icon on the right side, the one below the Earning Team Icon, is the Charging Icon. It is green with a Lightning Bolt in the middle. Your one and only requirement to earn Pi is to tap that icon every 24 hours. It is that simple. But why do we have to do this? When we tap that icon, we are proving to the Pi Network that we are human, we are a person, and not a software application trying to game the system. That is a fundamental tenet of The Pi Network - so fundamental that the Mission of the Founders is baked into the App (and you can read this in The Whitepaper):
"As the world becomes increasingly digital, cryptocurrency is a next natural step in the evolution of money. Pi is the first digital currency for everyday people, representing a major step forward in the adoption of cryptocurrency worldwide."
"Our Mission: Build a cryptocurrency and smart contracts platform secured and operated by everyday people."
"Our Vision: Build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer marketplace, fueled by Pi, the world’s most widely used cryptocurrency."
After you join the Pi Network, the goal remains to tell as many people as you can about Pi, about MinePi.com and about the Pi Network. And tap that Charging Icon once every 24 hours.
Use my Invite Code freqflyer at MinePi.com and join me on the Pi Network app. Understanding the Pi Network app took me some time but, really, you only need to know one very important thing to get started: Open the app every 24 hours and tap that Charging Icon. That's the best thing you can do to prove you are human and help the Developers.
By the third day, you should have opened the Pi Network App three times, unlocking a valuable ability.
Still in California waiting on passengers to decide where we're going next, it is August 17, 2019 and the weather is gorgeous and dry. I'm not sure the point of this app. I read part of The Pi Network Whitepaper before I signed up. And, I really like the idea that the Founders want this digital currency to be accessible to everyone. I got that part easily since I lived through the rise of Bitcoin and saw how server farms concentrated that digital coin into the hands of a few. But the rest of that Whitepaper? It was easier to learn how to fly.
Cryptocurrency is not my superpower; I struggle with the rest of the explanation of how it all works, formulas and all. I did learn something on the app though that got my attention.
Tapping the Lightning Bolt icon on the main screen of the app is easy. That is really all you need to do with app on a daily basis - just "check in." I made a video for you so you can see it for yourself:
It really is that simple. But what is so special about the third day on the app?
When you check in for the 3rd time (whether it is the third day or some day after the third day), you unlock the ability to earn Pi at a higher hourly rate by completing one more action. Yes, you can earn more Pi each hour when you do this one thing.
There are four roles any of us can have as a Member of The Pi Network:
The Contributor Role is unlocked on the 3rd check-in and enables you to earn Pi at a higher hourly rate when you begin building your Security Circle.
Higher earning rate aside, the selection of the Security Circle is an important feature of The Pi Network and one we should be mindful of.
"Pi technology allows energy-lite [sic] mining right from phones by requiring contributors to point to 3-5 people who they trust in the network to form their personal security circles." - The Pi Network
The Developers of The Pi Network have a vision for this cryptocurrency. They envision it in the hands of people of all means and they envision it distributed in such a way that it is not hoarded.
To that end, they want to secure it in such a way that it cannot be hoarded - that server farms cannot be built to mine it such that you and I are unequally represented. The consequence of that scenario is inflation of price due to scarcity.
So how do you secure transactions? How do you secure a digital currency? One way, in concert with other measures, and I'm guessing here, is to have each Member vouch for other Members. Voila, The Security Circle. You add people to your Security Circle with these attributes:
Join me on The Pi Network. You can sign up now and still earn PI at a good hourly rate. As of this writing, there are less than 200,000 users worldwide. As more and more folks join and the number of Members reaches 1 million, the hourly rate will halve. So join Pi now.
Here's what you can do right now:
We can both earn Pi, it costs you nothing and I am on the Chat Channel to help get you started.
See you on the other side.
To learn more about the Pi Network, I signed up with an invite code I found in an old text message. You can do the same at minepi.com/freqflyer.
We're in California another day, waiting on passengers. It's August 16, 2019 and yesterday I discovered Pi, a new cryptocurrency that is not yet in "circulation" (is that an old person's word?).
Traveling with Clients sometimes leaves me lots of time in hotels and this trip was just like that... Days waiting in a hotel, except we didn't know when we were leaving. After catching up on email, I started catching up on my text messages. With multiple messaging apps, I dream of a day when there will be one messaging app to rule them all. After moving through the phone's app, I go to Facebook Messenger, then make my way to the dark corners of WhatsApp. And there it was - way back in July - a message about Pi from a number I did not recognize.
Since I didn't recognize the telephone number, I ignored it for a month. I would learn later that "cost" me Pi. I could have been earning Pi at a higher rate, before the original number of users doubled and the "mining rate" got cut in half. So be it; I can't change the past.
I went out to the edges of the internet to learn more about Pi before I actually went to MinePi.com to look at the official website. (Just a sidenote, if you do decide to join, please use my Invite Code, freqflyer. Visit minepi.com/freqflyer just like that.
When I got to the official website, I had already learned that Pi is a new cryptocurrency. I had learned that a couple of Ph. D's from Stanfod University were developing the application and that someone out there in California wanted people - HUMANS - to make and own this currency (as opposed to large computer-based, cryptocurrency mining farms). The Developers didn't ask much of anyone, only to use the app one time each 24 hours. For that, each person would earn some Pi.
It seemed to be a win-win offer with no downside. There is nothing to buy, you don't need to get out your credit card, your paypal or your venmo account. And it started to feel a lot like Bitcoin before Bitcoin got big. So, in I went. I signed up with the Invite Code from the person who invited me - even though I didn't know them and still have no idea who they are (but, hey, thank you!). But what is Pi?
Pi a beta digital currency, a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin (remember when Bitcoin first started in 2008?). It had no real value for well over a year, but then it took off.
Image generated by automated software from public data from trades at BitCoin exchanges Bitstamp and Mt. Gox - https://bitcoincharts.com/charts/bitstampUSD#a1gWMAzm1g5zm2g10zl, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=78337779
The Pi "cryptocurrency" is in the same historical place; it has no value yet. You can’t buy it, you can’t sell it and you can’t trade it. But you can earn it by using the Pi Network app.
This app is the precursor to what will become a digital currency and social networking app that runs on your phone without draining your battery. A marketplace for exchanging goods and services using PI will develop in the near future where you will be able to use your PI Digital Wallet.
The Pi Network App is the precursor to what will become a digital currency and pi marketplace app that runs on your phone without draining your battery. This pi marketplace will offer goods and services for sale using PI. In the near future, you will be able to use your PI Digital Wallet to buy what you want using Pi.
For now, the Pi Network app servers multiple purposes:
Ultimately the app, which runs on your mobile phone, will execute Smart Contracts and secure PI cryptocurrency transactions on a Social Networking platform that includes a marketplace for goods and services.
It is early in the development of the Pi Network. You can sign up now and still earn PI at a good hourly rate. As of this writing, there are less than 200,000 users worldwide. As more and more folks join, the hourly rate will halve. SO JOIN THE PI NETWORK NOW.
You should join now because the rate at which you earn PI per Hour now is higher than it will be when the network reaches 1 million users. When the Pi Network reaches 1 million users, the rate at which people earn Pi will be cut in half.
Here's what you can do right now:
We can both earn Pi, it costs you nothing and I am on the Chat Channel to help get you started.
First, I will help you get started. My username is FreqFlyer and I, along with many other dedicated Pioneers, monitor the Pioneer Chat. Hop on there and say "hello."
I also set up a closed Facebook Group to help folks who used my Invite Code (freqflyer) learn quickly. I'll share that with you inside the Pi Network App.
The goal now is to tell as many people as you can about Pi, about MinePi.com and the Pi Network. The more people who join, the more likely this digital currency will become adopted and successful. Everyone becomes a recruiter once they join and for their efforts to build the network and increase membership, each person who brings another person is rewarded with "Pi." Essentially, we are paid with "Pi" and I will explain that in another blog post and video.
Good luck! My username is freqflyer.
Mining Pi: Welcome to Day 1 with the Pi Network App.
Pi a new digital currency, like Bitcoin (remember when Bitcoin first started in 2008?). Right now, the Pi "cryptocurrency" has no value. You can’t buy it, you can’t sell it and you can’t trade it. This app is the precursor to what will become a digital currency, marketplace and social networking app that runs on your phone without draining your battery. A marketplace for exchanging goods and services using PI will develop in the near future where you will be able to use your PI Digital Wallet.
This app allows you to access and grow your Pi holdings and serves as wallet to host your digital assets. Pi is fairly distributed, eco-friendly and consumes minimal battery power.
The Pi Network App as it stands now serves multiple purposes:
Ultimately the app, which runs on your mobile phone, will execute Smart Contracts and secure PI cryptocurrency transactions on a Social Networking platform that includes a marketplace for goods and services.
You can get in early while the hourly rate credited to you for using the app is high. As more and more folks join, the hourly rate will halve. SO GET IN NOW.
You earn pi at this stage of development by joining and clicking one icon, one time, daily. It is really that simple.
It costs nothing to begin earning pi, the app is free to use and it does not drain your cellphone battery.
Technically, this is not "mining Pi" because the application itself does not have that capability yet. What you are doing when you download the Pi Network app and join is securing the amount of PI that will be "minted" when true mining begins. Every day that you check in on the app, for each hour of that day, you are earning a PI credit that will be awarded to you when true mining starts.
You should join now because the rate at which you earn PI per Hour now is higher than it will be when the network reaches 1 million users. When the Pi Network reaches 1 million users, the rate at which people earn Pi will be cut in half.
Here's what you can do right now:
We can both earn Pi, it costs you nothing and I am on the Chat Channel to help get you started. See you on the other side!
First, I will help you get started. My username is FreqFlyer and I, along with many other dedicated Pi-oneers, monitor the Pioneer Chat. Hop on there and say "hello."
I also set up a closed Facebook Group to help folks who used my Invite Code (freqflyer) learn quickly. Please visit me on Facebook to connect and I will send you an invitation.
The push right now is to spread the word about Pi, MinePi.com and the Pi Network. The more people who join, the more likely this digital currency will become adopted and successful. Everyone becomes a recruiter once they join and for their efforts to build the network and increase membership, each person who brings another person is rewarded with "Pi." Essentially, we are paid with "Pi" and I will explain that in another blog post and video.
Don’t forget to send me a hello in the chatroom. My username is freqflyer.